Things You Might Not Know About Jason Statham
Jason Statham has made himself known in Hollywood thanks to his old school action-hero attitude and films that are reminiscent of the golden age of Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme. His talents, as well as charm, have made him an easy favorite, and a sought after leading man who excels in the anti-hero role. Aside from starring in some of the biggest action movies of the past few years, he stays out of the spotlight with amazing skill. Interviews with the star are rare, and he isn’t one to talk much about himself. Get to know him even better with these 11 things you never knew about Jason Statham!
11. Playboy Mansion Legend
Jason Statham prefers to keep a low profile, but that is just not how things are done at the Playboy mansion, which he quickly learned. As the story goes, back in 2008 Statham was invited to one of Hugh Hefner’s famous Playboy mansion parties which was their annual Midsummer Night’s Dream party. Not too long into his night, however, Statham was escorted off the property by security, but not for being unruly or too drunk. Instead it was because he refused to pose for pictures with the playmates. Statham never stated why he didn’t want his picture taken, but it definitely ended up not being the night he had planned.
Photo by Willi Schneider/REX/Shutterstock
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