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Revelations From Demi Moore’s Memoir ‘Inside Out’

By newadmin / Published on Monday, 26 Aug 2024 07:58 AM / No Comments / 67 views

15. Living with Large with Bruce Willis

Moore met Bruce Willis at the premiere of her movie Stakeout. She was there with her ex, Emilio, and while she wasn’t initially impressed with the rising star, it didn’t take long for her to warm up to him. It didn’t take very long until they were inseparable. “He made me feel like a princess; he lived large — and soon I did, too,” she wrote. “Bruce came from nothing, and now that he’d made it, he wanted the best of everything, and plenty of it. We would go to a restaurant, and he would order three entrées and have a few bites of each, just because he could. He loved to gamble. He relished the power that money has to wipe away obstacles. Years later, at three in the morning, when one of the babies was crying, he wold lean over and whisper, ‘I’ll give you a thousand dollars to change that diaper.’”

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