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Soap Opera Actors Who Don’t Act Anymore

By newadmin / Published on Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 08:26 AM / No Comments / 67 views

The world of daytime drama can be intense and challenging. Unlike prime- time stars who adhere to a “one show per week” schedule and enjoy some sort of hiatus (usually in the summer), for soap stars it is go, go, go (all the time)! Five shows a week, no breaks in the summer, and lines that need to be learned quickly, sometimes even on the spot. Since the show is constantly evolving and developing, characters are frequently given the ax (left, right, and center) without a moment’s notice, and there are ever-revolving plot twists and turns that need to be dealt with. It’s no wonder why many actors choose to take a break from soaps or sometimes leave the business altogether. Check out our list of some soap opera actors who don’t act anymore!

12. Erik von Detten

Rewinding through the Days of Our Lives (DOOL) history vault, fans may remember a young Erik von Detten playing Nicholas Alamain as a child. Erik would move on to be the voice of “Sid” the villain kid who liked to torture toys in Disney’s animated smash, Toy Story, and after that, faded from the acting scene. Interestingly enough, while he is absent from the social media scene, his wife Angela posted an Instagram photo in May 2019 announcing the birth of their baby. Seems like he may be busy with more important personal projects!

©Howard Wise/

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