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Selena Gomez Can’t Understand Why People Have Such Strong Reactions To Her Picture With Hailey Bieber

By newadmin / Published on Thursday, 17 Nov 2022 04:56 AM / No Comments / 169 views

Selena Gomez has been the sweetheart of both millennials and Gen Z. The lovable pop star is growing significantly in her life and fans couldn’t be happier to see her living her best life. Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber have been assumed to be in a feud over Justin Bieber however a recent image of the two posing together have raised some questions.

The photo was of the two posing together and seemed harmless enough. However, fans know the symbolism behind the photo as it represented peace between the two. The statement itself was powerful enough that it was spread like wildfire through the internet.

The feud was presumed because Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber dated for four years before he married Hailey Bieber. The two had a rocky relationship from the start with some break up’s in between. Hailey and Bieber started hanging out a lot more especially when it was confirmed that he and Selena were over.

However, the flame between Selena and Justin only finally died out in 2018. The two had tried to make it work again however they had been unable to. However, just a month or two after their final breakup, Justin and Hailey started their relationship again and have been together ever since.

The internet turned completely against Hailey since many people adored Selena and Justin together. The Biebers faced a lot of hate together as a couple too as fans of Selena were loyal to her completely. Justin, however, it seemed never liked the hate he and his wife were getting and stated that he didn’t even like to give it his energy as even that took so much out of him.

However, with the new picture of the two together, it seems they are at peace with each other and are mature enough to put the past aside. Selena has been known for defending Hailey multiple times when her fans have been mean to Hailey. Even Hailey states that the two don’t have any bad blood between them. And this new picture just proves it.

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