Celebrity Hookups We Didn’t See Coming In 2020
2020 has been a year like no other and there’s no denying the fact that it’s changed the way we date and pursue relationships, even in the world of Hollywood. Despite all the craziness, however, we did see some celeb couples pop up throughout the year that no one would have ever expected. Follow along for our 2020 roundup of celebrity hookups that we didn’t see coming this year.
Vampire Diaries actress Nina Dobrev’s relationship with Olympic gold medallist Shaun White seemingly came out of nowhere. A relationship between the two was first speculated when Nina posted a quarantine Instagram video back in April featuring a man with red hair, who was confirmed to be Shaun White. “They’re enjoying their time together and getting to know each other better,” the source said. “Nina really likes Shaun, and they both laugh a lot together and think each other is funny.”
Press Association | Photo by Lionel Hahn/ABACAPRESS.COM
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