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Travis Barker Can’t Help But Appreciate Kourtney Kardashian’s Feet; Calls Them ‘Angel Feet’

By newadmin / Published on Sunday, 14 Jul 2024 18:46 PM / No Comments / 80 views

Travis Barker is known for being completely in love with his wife Kourtney Kardashian. The couple has been married for a few months after they got engaged after less than a year of dating. The couple had three marriage ceremonies and have been seen together ever since.

The couple has been talked about for a long time although the reason for them being in the news this time is a little different. Travis loves his wife to death and he has been very vocal about it. Recently, Travis Barker posted pictures of his wife Kourtney Kardashian’s feet.

The images had Kourtney in various poses including one in which she had the “Barker Wellness” body oil in between the crook of her thigh and knee as she held her toes. The second image showed Kourtney in a foamy bathtub with her gorgeous legs and feet on display with one of the skincare products displayed with her. The last picture in the slides included just an image of her feet with a product placed next to them as well.

The caption of the post was, “My wife @kourtneykardash has angel 👼 feet @barkerwellness.” Kourtney has addressed rumors about her husband’s obsession with her feet before as well. She said, “I mean if somebody wants to pay extra attention to my feet, I’m not mad at that. Well, my husband, not just anybody.” Kourtney also claimed that she liked cute feet so her husband wasn’t alone.


Kourtney has spoken up about the details of her relationship with Travis. She said, “I’ve been married once, and I plan to be married for my whole life.” She also spoke up about how the two believed that they had met at the right time however they did wish they had met sooner so they would have had more years together. She said, “I’m grateful for everything that led me to him. But we do say that. We’re like, Oh, we could have had, you know, this many more years together and been doing all these things for so long.”

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